Saturday, 10 December 2011

Young Warriors

1.      Who were the boys that were to be made into Young Warriors? Tommy, Johnny, David, Uriah and Charlie.
2.      Who was the Chief of the village Describe him. Chief Phillip was the chief of the village. He was a tall, very black, handsome man. He wore a sleeve-less shirt and close fitting trousers that reached down to his ankles. His arms were muscular and he wore a golden band on his wrist. He carried a musket in his right hand and a powder-horn over his shoulder.
3.      By who was the golden band given and why? It was given to him by the King of Spain because the King saw that they were true Jamaicans and that they fought for their country.
4.      What did the boys never slept with? Their knives
5.      What was Tommy’s room and hut made out of? Wattle and daub
6.      How many rooms did the house have and what was the roof made of? Three rooms. The roof was made out of thatch, which is like dried leaves, hay.
7.      What was Tommy’s bed made out of and why? Four logs in the shape of a square and layers of pimento bush on which soft fine grass was spread. This was because it made it both soft and sweet smelling.
8.      How old did a boy have to be to become a young warrior? 14
9.      What was the Council-house? A very large building that was made to hold all the Maroons that lived in that village.
10.  What was the name of the village and name 4 others mentioned. The name of the village was Mountain Top. Other villages are Accompong, Trelawny Town, Mocho Mountain and Nanny Town.
11.  Who started to cry when he could not answer the questions? Charlie
12.  What was known as the ‘Parade Ground’? A wide place on which the Maroons held their drills, shooting matches and their dances.
13.  Who was the first to be questioned and who was the last? 1st Uriah. Last, David but could also be Charlie because even though he was already questioned, he was questioned again at the end after David.
14.   How many contests were there? Name them. There were 4 contests. Bow and Arrow, Knife Throwing (which had two parts to it, Bulls Eye and Naseberry), Sling-shot and the Test of Honour. 
15.  Who won what?
-          Bow and Arrow: Tommy
-          Knife Throwing: Bull’s Eye- All the boys                             Naseberry- Uriah
-          Sling-shot: Tommy
-          Test of Honour: Charlie (but honestly it is Johnny)
16.  What did his mother give him when he was about to set off for the hunt? A gourd


  1. this was very useful to me

    1. This was very help to me as well

    2. My teacher literally gave me all these questions and i got all the answers 🤣🤣🤣

    3. what was the test of honor?

  2. I think this was an awesome gesture

  3. Thank you for posting. it was very useful.

  4. This was very useful. This will help me with my exams on the 9th

  5. I wanna know how to draw Chief Phillip

  6. there were 5 test you left out the questioning

  7. Question 4 should be changed to "what did the boys never sleep WITHOUT? The answer their knives

  8. You helped me past my exam a week ago I got a 100% on English literature wow!!!!

  9. Which test did all the boys passed

  10. this is very helpful i am trash at english lit

  11. Thank you very much.This is very useful

  12. This is really helpful 😁. I recommend this website

  13. This is very helpful for my daughter

  14. Very useful the same thing I got in my english literature test.

  15. This is very authentic.thanks to whoever did this 👍

  16. It is very useful an important notes also thanks much

  17. This was very helpful to me too

  18. Subscribe to flamingo and yes this helped a lot thx :D

  19. Ew- y you gotta come HERE to OD-das jus wrong bruh-

  20. Like go on a dating site or sum.jesus-

  21. Could you give more answers. Identify at least five themes that are highlighted in the text The Young Warriors and write five examples of each.
    Answer this one

  22. Who gave him the golden ban
